
Archive for August, 2014

The objective is that I want to output in NetCDF format a scalar variable, for example, total kinetic energy, time stamp, or surface pressure at a certain location, at each time step in a numerical model. The time step needs to be an unlimited dimension. I encountered similar issues described here, however, it does not fully solve my problem. The ifort compiler shows an error message says:

There is no matching specific function for this generic function reference. 

The code outputing time stamp and has the error mainly looks like

status = nf90_create(path = "history.nc", cmode = nf90_clobber,&
ncid = history_fileid)
status = nf90_def_dim(history_fileid, "time_step", nf90_unlimited, time_dimid)
status = nf90_def_var(history_fileid, "write_time", nf90_double, &
(/time_dimid/), t_varid)
status = nf90_enddef(history_fileid)
status = nf90_put_var(history_fileid, t_varid, time, start = framenum_netcdf, count = 1 )

The compile environment is ifort 11.1.073, netcdf 4.01, and hdf5/1.8.6.

There are two errors in the above code marked by red and green. The green error is documented in the link above and we begin with it. Basically, nf90_put_var is an overloaded function that looks like

interface nf90_put_var
module procedure nf90_put_var_text, &
nf90_put_var_OneByteInt, nf90_put_var_TwoByteInt, &
nf90_put_var_FourByteInt, nf90_put_var_EightByteInt, &
nf90_put_var_FourByteReal, nf90_put_var_EightByteReal
module procedure nf90_put_var_1D_text, &
nf90_put_var_1D_OneByteInt, nf90_put_var_1D_TwoByteInt, &
nf90_put_var_1D_FourByteInt, nf90_put_var_1D_EightByteInt, &
nf90_put_var_1D_FourByteReal, nf90_put_var_1D_EightByteReal
module procedure nf90_put_var_2D_text, &
nf90_put_var_2D_OneByteInt, nf90_put_var_2D_TwoByteInt, &
nf90_put_var_2D_FourByteInt, nf90_put_var_2D_EightByteInt, &
nf90_put_var_2D_FourByteReal, nf90_put_var_2D_EightByteReal

What we need is actually nf90_put_var_1D_EightByteReal, and this function does not have an optional parameter count. This is because there is no need for it as count should always be 1 for a 1d array. The interface for nf90_put_var_1D_EightByteReal is

function nf90_put_var_EightByteReal(ncid, varid, values, start)
 integer, intent( in) :: ncid, varid
 real (kind = EightByteReal), intent( in) :: values
 integer, dimension(:), optional, intent( in) :: start
 integer :: nf90_put_var_EightByteReal
 integer, dimension(nf90_max_var_dims) :: localIndex
 integer :: counter

The other problem is more tricky and maybe compiler dependent as the link above does not encounter this problem. I still has the same error after eliminating count. The problem is that start is an array instead of a scalar. “Procedure calling in Fortran with explicit interfaces (which you get automatically when using module procedures) requires a TKR (type, kind, rank) match. As an array is a different type than a scalar, not to mention the rank mismatch, this is not allowed.” To solve the problem, the last line of code needs to be

status = nf90_put_var(history_fileid, t_varid, time, start = (/framenum_netcdf/) )

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